AACH - Golden Age

Public voting (any user) is enabled ( 1 votes) from 1/27/25, 8:00 AM (PDT) until 4/17/25, 5:00 PM (PDT)

All Categories

Through the Golden Portals, NY Public Library
Through the Golden Portals, NY Public Library
Lucille Van Ommering
Best of Show

email address: lvo1@sbcglobal.net
Rio Pop
Rio Pop
Sid Wellman
First Place

email address: sid@wellmanart.com
Time of Renewal and Transformation
Time of Renewal and Transformation
Lyla Paakkanen Paakkanen
Second Place

email address: ginkodragon@gmail.com
Adene Fordyce
Third Place

email address: ahfordyce@gmail.com
Frozen Gold
Frozen Gold
Gerrit Van Ommering
Honorable Mention

email address: gvo1000@pacbell.net
7" from the Midday Sun
7" from the Midday Sun
Deb Cashatt
Honorable Mention

email address: art@debcashatt.com
Golden Street
Golden Street
David Peterson
Honorable Mention

email address: aquacolorist@yahoo.com
Edith LeFebvre
Honorable Mention

email address: eetl@csus.edu
Eliana Iurato
Honorable Mention

email address: elianaiurato@gmail.com
Klimt in Jewel Tones (Triptych)
Klimt in Jewel Tones (Triptych)
Penny S Hanscom

email address: pshanscom@juno.com
Klimt in Jewel Tones (Triptych, Center)
Klimt in Jewel Tones (Triptych, Center)
Penny S Hanscom

email address: pshanscom@juno.com
Klimt in Jewel Tones (Triptych, Right)
Klimt in Jewel Tones (Triptych, Right)
Penny S Hanscom

email address: pshanscom@juno.com
Eye Nose You
Eye Nose You
Alexandra (Sasha) Yakovleva

email address: yakovleva4045@gmail.com
This way. No! This way!
This way. No! This way!
Alexandra (Sasha) Yakovleva

email address: yakovleva4045@gmail.com
Which Door Should I Choose?
Which Door Should I Choose?
Kim Brownell

email address: kimbrownell@sbcglobal.net
Reflections on a Heart of Gold
Reflections on a Heart of Gold
Marsha Mason

email address: bikegirl99@aol.com
Golden Light
Golden Light
Karen Ames

email address: kdames106@gmail.com
Forest Floor
Forest Floor
Karen Ames

email address: kdames106@gmail.com
Subterranean 2
Subterranean 2
John Angell

email address: JAngellArt@mycci.net
Portuguese Folk Dancer
Portuguese Folk Dancer
Dianne DiCarlo

email address: dicarlo.dianne@gmail.com

Page 1 of 4, showing 20 records out of 64 total, starting on record 1, ending on 20